Social freezing. Objednajte sa ❄️.

Staňte sa darkyňou + Darček 🎁.

Social freezing. Objednajte sa ❄️.

Staňte sa darkyňou + Darček 🎁.



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IVF cyklus - darcovské oocyty (garancia 2 blastocýst) - VIP 4400 €
Standard - 3500 €

Príprava liečebného plánu

Výber darkyne

Plán liečby darkyne a príjemkyne

Stimulačné lieky pre darkyňu a monitoring IVF cyklu

Odber oocytov darkyne

Vyšetrenie spermiogramu + mrazenie spermií

Oplodnenie oocytov metódou ICSI


Predĺžená kultivácia embryí

Embryoskop monitoring embryí


Asistovaný zonálny hatching

STOP cyklus

1 000 €

IVF cyklus bez ET

1 700 €
IVF cyklus s vlastnými oocytmi
2000 €

Príprava liečebného plánu

Stimulačný protokol

Odber oocytov v celkovej anestéze

Vyšetrenie spermiogramu a príprava spermií

Predĺžená kultivácia embryí

Asistovaný zonálny hatching

Embryo transfer

STOP cyklus

1 000 €

IVF cyklus bez ET

1 700 €

Natív/Soft IVF cyklus s embryotransferom

550 €

Natívny/SOFT cyklus bez embryotransferu

400 €

Native/Soft – no oocytes received

250 €

Soft STOP IVF cycle

180 €

Management of treatment in IVF cycle

100 €
Darcovský program embryí

S garanciou embryotransferu 1 blastocysty

1 500 €

S garanciou 2 blastocýst a jedného embryotransferu

2 500 €
Intrauterinná inseminácia


150 €

Spracovanie spermií pred IUI

50 €
Doplnkové embryologické výkony

Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET)

350 €

ICSI - intracytoplazmatická injekcia spermie

500 €

MACS - magneticky aktivovaná selekcia spermií

290 €

PK - predĺžená kultivácia

200 €

AZH - asistovaný zonálny hatching

190 €

Management of treatment in IVF cycle

100 €

Thawing oocytes

100 €
Doplnkové embryologické služby


40 €

Príjem darovaných spermií

280 €

Mrazenie spermií

190 €

Uskladnenie genetického materiálu na 1 rok

120 €

Social Freezing – mrazenie oocytov

1 500 €

Monitoring embryí v Embryoscope

390 €


190 €

Mrazenie (vitrifikácia) prvého embrya na 1 rok

280 €

Mrazenie (vitrifikácia) každého ďalšieho embrya

50 €

Vklad transportovaného embrya zo zahraničia

600 €
Doplnkové služby

Úvodná konzultácia v cudzom jazyku (osobne alebo telefonicky)

0 €

Manažment liečby neplodnosti v cudzom jazyku (v spolupráci s koordinátorom)

100 €

Ceny nezahŕňajú náklady na liekovú prípravu a iné výkony vykonávané mimo kliniky reprodukčnej medicíny ReproMedica, s.r.o. Platby sa realizujú najneskôr v deň začatia liečby na klinike reprodukčnej medicíny ReproMedica, s.r.o. alebo prevodom na účet ReproMedica, s.r.o.  
IBAN SK84 8120 0000 0013 1501 6060 / SWIFT kód: BSLOSK22 


Price List

Below you will find a complete list of our services and their price lists. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

Price list is valid from 01.06.2024


You can also download the complete version of the price list in PDF format here.
IVF cycle - Oocyte donation (Guarantee of 2 blastocysts)
Standard - 4000 €
VIP - 4900 €

Transport – airport VIE, BTS or train station BTS

Treatment protocol

Selection of the donor and donor’s compensation

Treatment protocol for the donor and recipient

Stimulating medications for the donor and monitoring of the donor’s IVF cycle

Oocyte retrieval of the donor

Sperm analysis of the recipient’s partner + freezing

Extended embryo cultivation


Monitoring of embryo development via embryoscope

390 €


190 €

Assisted hatching

190 €


500 €
IVF cycle with own oocytes
2000 €

Management of treatment in IVF cycle

100 €

Consultation of the treatment protocol

Treatment protocol

Oocyte retrieval under general anesthesia

Partner’s sperm analysis and preparation of the sperm

Extended embryo cultivation

Assisted hatching

Embryo transfer

STOP IVF cycle

1 000 €

IVF cycle without ET

1 700 €

Native/Soft IVF cycle without embryotransfer

400 €

Native/Soft – no oocytes received

250 €
Embryo donation program

1 blastocyst with the transfer

1 500 €

2 blastocyst with one transfer

2 500 €

Management of treatment in IVF cycle

100 €
Intrauterine insemination


150 €

Sperm processing before IUI

50 €
Additional costs

Native/Soft IVF cycle with embryotransfer

550 €

ICSI – Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection

500 €

MACS – Magnetic activated selection of sperm

290 €

Extended embryo cultivation

200 €

Assisted hatching

190 €

Sperm analysis

40 €

Donor sperm

280 €

Sperm freezing

190 €

Storage of genetic material for 1 year

120 €

Social freezing - Fertility preservation

900 €

Monitoring of Embryo Development via Embryoscope

390 €

Cryopreservation of oocytes

100 €


190 €

Management of treatment in IVF cycle

100 €

Cryopreservation of the first embryo – and their storage for 1 year

280 €

Cryopreservation of each additional embryo and storage for 1 year

50 €

Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET)

350 €

Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET) of transported embryo from abroad

600 €

CAO sperm separation

150 €
Additional services

uNK cells with endometrial biopsy

210 €

Administrative fee for receiving/deliveringgenetic material sample/s from/to another Health Care provider (SK/EU)

220 €

Administrative fee for receiving/deliveringgenetic material sample/s from/to another Health Care provider (outside EU)

500 €

Introductory consultation in foreign language (personally or by phone)

0 €

Thawing oocytes

100 €

Introductory consultation in foreign language (personally or by phone)

50 €

Management of infertility treatment in a foreign language (in cooperation with the coordinator)

100 €

Blood group+Rh factor

10 €

Hormonal profil (TSH, AMH, LH, FSH, Prolaktín, Estradiol, Progesterone, Testosterone, 17-OHProgesterone, prolactin, DHEA-sulfate)

170 €

Microbiological analysis- bacteriology aerob.anaerob.- vaginal swab

70 €

UMC (Ureaplasma, Mycoplasma, Chlamydia)- vaginal swab

120 €

Prices do not include the costs of drug preparation and other services performed outside the Department of Reproductive Medicine ReproMedica, s.r.o. . Payments are made no later than on the day of treatment at the ReproMedica Reproductive Medicine Clinic, s.r.o. or by transfer to the account ReproMedica, s.r.o
IBAN SK84 8120 0000 0013 1501 6060, SWIFT (BIC) code: BSLOSK22.       

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